
hello peeps. please leave a tag before you leave! this is a welcome message, fyi. i *heart* candy. (:


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

music: if this is it - Newton Faulkner
mood: neutral.
weather: still cold.

urghh! im screwed for my english and issues! cant believe i blanked out for the review. !@#$%^&*^%$*&^&%^%$#@$%^$#@ and how on earth did people find issues easy?!! it was fucking hard. and half the time i dont even know what they were talking about. haiz, screw exams. at least i've just studied biology and chemistry... *SIGH * i lead a sad life. maths and science papers tmrwwwwwwww I HATE MATHS! so im not studying for it. (: 2 down 2 to go. physic and geology left! teheehee. then playyyyyyy :D hahahaha. at the mean time, aidan's keeping me entertained. hahahah. SEXBOmB.