
hello peeps. please leave a tag before you leave! this is a welcome message, fyi. i *heart* candy. (:


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hate is such a strong emotion.

bitch. im so glad you left this house. lets face it, no one wants you here. aw, boohoo. but don't you worry about not giving us your address. we wont even bother keeping in touch. slut. go. go and have your usual sex rampage over brian mcfadden and the hairy ugly guys in their mid-forties. go and have fun being a pedo and a stalker. becoz honestly, i dont give a fuck about what you have to say. hey, i offered to help you pack up. you just ignored me. so fine. don't say it was my fault. bye. and i hope to never see your bitchface ever again in this house. get lost you fagg.

p.s i thought you were different, guess i was wrong.